Douglas Island Pink and Chum, DIPAC, is a private non-profit organization. Therefore, all proceeds benefit salmon enhancement and educational programs!
Currently, there are approximately 1.1 million salmon fry residing in our freshwater raceways. We have another 118 million salmon alevin in our incubation trays which will be transferred to saltwater rearing pens come February or March. For these small salmon, the months of February to May are spent transforming from fry to smolt. After they complete this next stage of life, all 118 million chum salmon will be distributed throughout Juneau and released into the wild.
Things To See and Do
Located just 2.5 miles from downtown Juneau, the Macaulay Salmon Hatchery is a sight to be seen by all Juneau’s visitors and locals alike. We are educational and affordable fun for the whole family.
Designed with the visitor in mind, the Macaulay Salmon Hatchery provides amazing views of spectacular salmon sights and allows those visiting our facility to learn first-hand about Alaska’s wild salmon. From the elevated entrance, you’ll get a birds-eye-view of outdoor hatchery operations while listening to a 5-7 minute long informative commentary, provided by a local guide. The knowledgeable guide will be explaining the fascinating life cycle of an Alaskan salmon and the inner workings of the hatchery.
Inside the facility you will find breathtaking saltwater aquariums displaying a variety of local marine life; including touch-tank aquariums where you are provided with the chance to physically interact with a variety of local sea animals. Take your picture with our ferocious brown bear display and get up close to a bald eagle. Venture through our gift-shop filled with local art and where we make it easy to ship wild Alaskan salmon anywhere in the United States.
Visit DIPAC Website